Changing the face of men’s health.

Movember – The origin.

“In 2003, two mates from Melbourne were having a quiet beer when their conversation turned to recurring fashion trends. The moustache, a fixture in past decades, was nowhere to be seen in recent trends. They joked about bringing it back. The two friends decided to talk their mates into growing a Mo. Inspired by a friend’s mother who was fundraising for breast cancer, they decided to make the campaign about men’s health and prostate cancer. They designed the rules of Movember (which are still in place today) and agreed to charge ten dollars to grow a Mo. Trav designed the first Movember logo, and they sent around an email titled ‘Are you man enough to be my man?’ They found 30 guys willing to take up the challenge.”

“With the support of millions of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from all over the world, Movember is working towards its vision: to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health.” (

Join the challenge this month to raise awareness and funds for men’s health!

“Globally, men die on average 5 years earlier than women, and for reasons that are largely preventable. Which means that it doesn’t have to be that way: we can all take action to live healthier, happier and longer lives.” (Source:

Movember is raising funds to support, research, fund and transforming the way health services reach and support men in the following areas.
• Prostate cancer
• Testicular cancer
• Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Movember (2022) top 5 things to know and do:
1. Spend time with people who make you feel good.
2. Talk more – being there for someone and listening can be lifesaving.
3. Know the numbers – at 50, talk to your doctor about screening for prostate cancer. If you have a family history, this conversation should start at 45.
4. ‘Know thy nuts – it’s simple’ – regularly check and see your doctor if something doesn’t feel right.
5. Move more – walk to meetings, ride to work, run in the mornings. It’s good for the body and mind.

How can you participate in Movember this month?
Grow a Mo – to start the conversation.
Move for Movember – Run or walk 60km over the month. That’s 60km for 60 men we lose to suicide each hour (globally) – sign up at
Host a ‘Mo-ment’ – rally a crew and do something fun to raise funds.
Mo Your Own Way – whether it’s a grueling test of physical endurance or some other wildcard idea.
Donate –
Support the men at your workplace and book in health assessments with WHS Vic.