With kids on school holidays and excitement levels through the roof, Focus on Family Australia suggests the following activities you can enjoy with your family.

  1. Christmas Light Drive: Stay up late with kids and go on a special tour of your local area.
  2. Park Picnic: Enjoy dinner in the park by packing a picnic.. you may like to cheat and order fish and chips!
  3. Get amongst your local festive activities: Your local town or city will have plenty of activities to attend over the Christmas period – this may include carols in the park, street bbq’s or the famous Myer windows in Melbourne.
  4. Give back: Get your family together and consider how you can give back this Christmas. There are lots of donations to great causes, buying presents that will go to the less fortunate or simply volunteering as a family.
  5. Christmas carols: Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without attending the local carols event.
  6. Decorate the tree together: As a family, get involved in decorating your Christmas tree together.
  7. Start a new tradition: Even the simplest of things can make Christmas memorable – set the table with the cutlery reversed, enjoy dinner together on Christmas eve and watch a Christmas movie together. Whatever it is, make it fun.