Christmas, New Year and the start of January is a common time for many workplaces to take the foot off the pedal and enjoy a few weeks holidays. No doubt you have managed to relax, enjoy some family time and perhaps complete a project at home you’ve been meaning to do.
Returning to work and a routine after holidays can sometimes be less than appealing – here’s some skills and tools that will help you get motivated in no time:
- Get an early start – Prepare for your first day. Get an early night before and turn up to work a little early. This will help you get a head start on the many emails to catch up on.
- Have a small to-do list: Utilise the first part of your day to plan your day. Block out a couple of hours (or the morning) to go through and action all your emails. Make a small to-do list to achieve for the day. Make sure you include a few ‘fast wins’ to quickly tick off your list.
- Plan – Plan out as much as you can for the following week and month, before working backwards and filling in the smaller items your plan needs. It’s easier to stay motivated when you can see progress.
- Prioritise – Set your priorities and have an estimated time to complete them – try to achieve a few ‘small wins’ first and tackle a few ‘frogs’, the larger more-time consuming tasks.
- Take your breaks – Take regular breaks to clear the head – possibly treat yourself to lunch your first day back.
- Communicate with your colleagues and customers – It’s a good idea to touch base with your co-workers and boss to let them know what you’re working on. You should also connect with your best clients to let them know they are at the top of your mind but you need to catch up after holidays and will be back in touch with them soon.