Christmas is all about enjoying time with your friends and families! With a good ol’ Aussie BBQ, multiple roasts, desserts +++, alcohol… it’s an easy time to gain 5kg’s before you know it!


Just remember – balance is OK. You can still enjoy your good food and wine, keeping in mind not to go overboard.


According to Nutritionist Steph Wearne, here’s 6 tips you can do to prevent weight gain over the silly season:


  1. Stick to a portion plate:

‘Every time you sit down to a meal, try and make it ¼ plate protein, ¼ plate complex carbohydrates, ½ plate of vegetables and 1-2 tablespoons of healthy fats’ Steph suggests. Cooking at home makes this easy, however often during December we have more commitments than usual and are going out for dinner more often. When this happens, Steph recommends you still take into account the ideal portion sizes and order extra vegetables or salad while out at a restaurant.


  1. Keep active:

Your normal routine may be interrupted over Christmas time, but it is possible to keep active. ‘Instead of meeting a friend for a wine, go for a walk instead. Instead of visiting family at a house, suggest to meet at the beach’ Steph said.


  1. Meal Prep: Whilst it sounds like hard work, meal prepping during the Christmas season will help your waistline. Get organised on a night you have no plans and keep your food in the fridge or freezer when you need it. ‘Make your freezer your best friend and that way you keep healthy meals, snacks or even just frozen veggies on hand to whip up a healthy dinner in no time’ Steph recommends.


  1. Keep snacks on hand:

This can get you out of trouble when you’ve been tied up at work, or stayed longer than anticipated at an afternoon work catch up. ‘I’m talking a small handful of nuts, some veg with nut butter or hummus, protein balls or just a piece of fruit’ Steph said.


  1. Eat before finger food events:

Finger food events are tricky, as you never know what food will be available. The nutritionist recommends eating something before you go to such an event so you can politely decline anything too fatty or fried.


  1. Keep your alcohol intake minimal:

It’s the alcohol calories that really add up. Give yourself a drinks limit for events, which will help your weight over the Christmas period. Steph suggests in her blog – ‘The best thing you can do is to keep hydrated. This means a water between alcoholic drinks but also choosing drinks that are served with mineral/soda water is helpful’.