Christmas, New Year and the start of January is a common time for many workplaces to take the foot off the pedal and enjoy a few weeks of holidays. No doubt you have managed to relax, enjoy some family time and perhaps complete a project at home you’ve been meaning to do.


Returning to work and a routine after holidays can sometimes be less than appealing – however according to Hub Australia (2020), here’s some skills and tools that will help you get motivated in no time:


  • Pre-trip tip – Tie up all loose ends before you go on holidays:
    It may be a little late for those reading this on your first day back, but finishing everything off to the best you can will help you get motivated as you enter the new year. Ways to help do this may include a comprehensive handover to your team or ticking off everything on your to-do list.
  • Block out the first part of your day to go through your inbox and action everything:
    Emails pile up the moment you clock off for holidays – it’s hard to maintain motivation when there is a mountain of emails to conquer. Actioning all emails on your return will help you feel less overwhelmed – try creating folders and dragging emails into their respective folders once they have been actioned.
  • Plan:
    Find a quiet space where you can plan out as much as you can for the coming week and/or month, before working back and filling in the smaller items your plan needs. It’s easier to stay motivated when you can see progress.
  • Prioritise:
    Set your priorities and add an estimated time to complete next to them – view the time-consuming and difficult ones as ‘frogs’ and shorter tasks as ‘fast-wins’.
  • Communicate to your team:
    Setting the expectation that your first day back will be focussed on catching up rather than taking on new tasks is essential. If you commit your first day back to planning and getting your head back in the work zone, you’re setting yourself up to be able to step into your normal role on day 2.
  • Get a big win:
    Taking on a big task or high priority task your first day back will help you boost your sense of achievement at work, and also kick your brain into gear.
  • Get some quick wins:
    Knock a few quick tasks off your list!
  • Take your breaks:
    Take regular breaks as your brain needs o get used to your usual workload again. Possibly treat yourself to lunch on your first day back or go for a few short walks outside.
  • Learn from your mistakes:
    Make sure you list all the things that would have made it easier to hit the ground running on your return back from holidays and add it to your calendar prior to your next holiday.