As the control centre for your body, your brain is in charge of keeping your heart beating, your lungs breathing and allowing you to move, feel and think.

The foods you eat play a role in keeping your brain healthy and can improve specific mental tasks, such as memory and concentration.

According to Healthline (2021), 11 foods that help boost your brain include:

  1. Fatty Fish:
    This may include salmon, trout, albacore tuna, herring and sardines, all of which are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. About 60% of your brain is made of fat, and half of that fat is comprised of omega-3 fatty acids.
    Your brain uses omega-3s to build brain and nerve cells and these fats are essential to learning and memory.
  2. Coffee:
    The two main components in coffee, caffeine and antioxidants, can help support brain health.
    Caffeine keeps your brain alert by blocking messengers that make you feel sleepy and improve concentration.
  3. Blueberries:
    Blueberries assists with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Some antioxidants in blueberries have been found to improve communication between brain cells.
  4. Turmeric:
    Curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to produce anti-inflammatory responses, benefit memory, ease depression and help new brain cells grow.
  5. Broccoli:
    Packed with powerful substances including antioxidants, broccoli is also very high in vitamin k, which is linked to better memory and cognitive status.
  6. Pumpkin seeds:
    Pumpkin seeds are rich in many micronutrients that are important for brain function, including copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.
  7. Dark chocolate:
    The flavonoids in chocolate may help protect the brain. Studies have suggested that eating chocolate, especially dark chocolate, could boost memory and mood.
  8. Nuts:
    Nuts contain a host of brain-boosting nutrients, including Vitamin E, healthy fats and plant compounds.
  9. Oranges:
    Oranges and other foods that are high in Vitamin C can help defend your brain against damage from free radicals.
  10. Eggs:
    Eggs are a rich source of several B vitamins and choline, which are important for regulating mood and promoting proper brain function and development.
  11. Green tea:
    As is the case with coffee, the caffeine in green tea boosts brain function by improving alertness, performance, memory and focus.
    On top of this, green tea carries L-theanine, which helps relax you without making you tired and is also rich in antioxidants.