This years’ theme is ‘love your eyes’.

According to All About Vision (2021), vision is the ability to use your eyes to see and interpret the world around you. Vision is a two-part process. The eyes focus on and capture an image, but the image needs to be interpreted by the brain before you can make sense of what you’re seeing.

Our sense of sight is responsible for most of the information we absorb from our five combined senses. Many of the movements we perform, tasks we complete and personal interactions we make rely on vision in some way.

So how to we look after or love our eyes? The 4 P’s is a good place to start..
According to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (2021).

  • Prevent – Many eye diseases are prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle which includes eating a healthy diet, cutting down on smoking & drinking, maintaining a healthy weight, and maintaining normal blood sugar levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Protect – Wear protecting eyewear in the workplace where necessary, as well as good quality sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV, replace your cosmetics (eye cream, mascara , etc) at the recommended time frame and cut down on your screen time at work and take regular breaks to avoid eye strain, headaches and dryness of eyes.
  • Preserve – Get regular comprehensive eye tests. It is recommended that you book an eye test every 2 years, if not more frequently if recommended by your GP or optometrist;
  • Prioritise – Prioritise your eye health and consider “love your eyes” as a life’s mission and also educate your family. Ensure that eye examinations are part of your routine medical examination.